If any of you have not received your rewards card in the mail, send me a message here. Jeff is monitoring and he will rectify as soon as possible.
The Farmers Market is growing each week. I can't wait to see what it looks like in July!
Come out and support local growers and producers, every Saturday 8 to noon.
And don't forget that the Red Mill Civic League is meeting at the Princess Anne Branch Library on Monday, 29 June, at 7 p.m. The main topic will be deciding to pursue the changing of the setbacks from 40 feet to 30 feet for the development of front porches.
See you around, Charlie Brown!
I have not received my Red Mill Living card is there someone I could ask? I absolutely love the Farmers Market on Saturday, my husband buys kettle corn for all of our friends, it is delicious.
I have not received mine either, however I am also a new resident in Red Mills.
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