Saturday, July 19, 2008

National Night Out Plans in Full Swing; Neighbor's First Comments!

National Night Out plans are in full swing! 
National Night Out will be held at the Red Mill Park on Upton Dr. & Red Mill Blvd. again, on 5 August starting at 7 p.m. until dusk. Rita's Italian Ice and Panera will be there with free stuff. New Hope Church is giving away hot dogs and the civic league is supplying lemonade and kool-aid in cups and ice supplied by Sonics. AND....wait for it....there's going to be bounce-castles, too!!!
Right now, we're waiting to see if the inflatable water slide can be repaired in time for all the kiddies. Stayed glued here to find out. Also, in the works is whether My Gym will be setting up their kids obstacle course this year. We are waiting to see what kind of cool chase car the Virginia State Troopers will bring this year.
It's going to be another fun year for all.

Neighbor and newly licensed realtor, Tracy Broadhead writes:
"Hi Mario. Just wanted to say thanks for the info on the blog. Thought you might like to share some more - Sherwood Lakes is hoping to have their models completed and open by August. They are ranging in price so far from $369 to $509. They are single family condos and will have a different set up - the agent told me that they will have "alley" streets, i.e. you pull up to the back of your house. also, not sure if you are aware that Ashville Park will host this year's Home-a-Rama in October. 
Just posted you first comment. I'll check back again in awhile to see if you have anything new. Would you prefer to have info like the above emailed to you so that you can write an article or would you prefer it to be in the comments?"
Thanks, Tracy. If you want to - and this goes for everybody - please post them in the comments section. Or if you really want it mentioned in the next posting then just email me and say so. 
Also, I read in the Virginian Pilot that this is year's Home-A-Rama will have the fewest homes ever this year. Hmm...I guess this is that market correction we have been waiting for. Too bad it took a serious mortgage crisis/credit crunch to initiate it. I know, I threw that grenade out there. But seriously, the developers just had to know that they were playing with dynamite when they bought into Ashville Park and Heritage Park; really! And the mortgage lenders and the homeowners who went for all those crazy (nee financially creative) schemes to buy those outrageously-priced homes. I'm just saying, is all. And I won't say anymore on it. Let the corrections begin.

General Meeting of the Civic Association will be @ 7 p.m., 14 October at the Princess Anne Branch Library.
Stay tuned to this blog. I have some plans in the works for publishing all the pictures the civic league has had over the years. 

I'm out, sauerkraut!

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