Friday, November 28, 2008

Reminder: Canvass Voting for 81st district Delegate is Saturday

And you thought the voting was over....Terry Suit resigned from being our representative in the House of Delegates back in October, to take a job at a major lobbying firm. Three Republicans are vying for the seat: Paul Lantaigne, Barry Knight and Tom Keeley.
The canvass vote to decide which one will represent us as a Republican will take place Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Our voting station will be at Rainbow Station, on Sandbridge Road, across St. John's church.
Go on out and vote. Word is that Paul Lantaigne's crew will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs outside the Rainbow Station. See you there!


IHOP General Booth Is Now Non-Smoking 24/7

Tuesday Night Out with friends, we went to IHOP on General Booth Blvd. Inside the lobby, there is a sign on the inner door: "We are now a Non-Smoking Restaurant 24 hours a day."
I must say it was definitely more empty, but the atmosphere was more pleasant. I wonder who will go there with this non-smoking policy in place; more families, less groups, more groups?
We'll see. I think that it will do pretty good. There are number of restaurants in our area that don't allow smoking: Panera, Pollo Loco, Eddy's...
Others in the area, don't allow smoking outside their bar areas: Outback, Tilted Table, Chili's.
Havana's does not allow smoking in their restaurant until after 9 p.m.

What other restaurants have restrictions on smoking?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Virginia Delegate 81st District Canvass Voting Information

81st District Canvass Locations for Saturday, November 29th 2008 10am – 3pm
Virginia Beach

If your normal voting precinct is Corporate Landing, Culver, Magic Hollow, Ocean Lakes, Red Wing, Seatack, Sigma, or Upton you will vote at The Village at Rainbow Station, 1973 Sandbridge Road. Va. Beach, VA 23456. This is the day care center across from St. John’s Catholic Church and next to the Bloom Shopping Center.
This is also for those of us in Red Mill Farm, apartments and condos included.

If your normal voting precinct is Blackwater, Creeds, or Capps Shop you will vote at
Back Bay Christian Assembly, 1212 Princess Anne Road Va. Beach Va. 23457. This is just south of Vaughan Road.

If your normal voting precinct is Bells Mill 1, Bethel, Grassfield, Green Sea, or Indian Creek
You will vote at Grassfield High School 2007 Grizzly Trail Chesapeake,VA 23323

If you have any questions call 615-3817. Thanks for your support!

Paid for and authorized by Paul Lanteigne, candidate.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Civic Association Holiday Party at Outback Steakhouse

The Red Mill Farm Civic Association is having their annual holiday dinner party at Outback Steakhouse, in the Red Mill Commons Shopping Center, Friday 12 December at 7 p.m.
Appetizer, Dinner (4 items to choose), Desserts and Drinks (Coffee, Tea, Fountain Drinks) are included in the $10/person price.
Members of the board will be calling all current members to inform them of the event and will ask that all RSVP with their money (check) to the Treasurer by 5 December.
If you would like to attend you can contact the Treasurer here and tell them to expect your check by 5 December.
I hope to see you at the dinner. It is going to be a great time at Outback!

Cafe Fresh Now Open!!!

We've all been anticipating it, Cafe Fresh has opened their doors for wholesome, organic and healthy business effective this morning.
My son and I tried the food and it is great and it makes you feel full without being stuffed!
I had the Acai Energy Bowl, with bananas and granola; great taste and very satisfying. Also, the Acai energy smoothie is good tasting.
Try the Turkey Club Wrap. It's chock full with chunks of roasted turkey and lettuce and tomatoes, and the wrap is whole wheat.....and it tasted great.
They are open on Sunday 10 a.m. to 8 a.m. (I think they close at 8)
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. open for breakfast.

Welcome Cafe Fresh to our neighborhood and tell them you're from Red Mill Farm!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 A Way to Help Teachers Educate

I was attending a conference last week, and one of the evening activities was a auction to help out teachers all over the US do the things they wanted to bring about good education for their children. That's when was brought to our attention. 
Their tagline is simple and direct: "Teachers ask. You choose. Students learn."
You go to their website, look over all the projects that teachers all over the country are asking to be funded and choose one - or more - and send your donation online. So far I have not seen any extravagant projects, nor have I seen one where they are asking for more than $1,000 for a project, although I believe that some of them should ask for more. But the point is not for us to completely fund a project ourselves. Give what you can or spread what you can to as many projects as you'd like to support.
Anyway, in this season of giving and the need to be especially choosy this time of year, I wanted to bring this organization to your attention. 
