Sunday, August 17, 2008

Office Max Opens; Bicycling Around; A Global Perspective

Office Max Now Open
Office Max opened their doors this week. No big fanfare, just opened their doors. There were a few sale items, but nothing more than what was available in their sale paper. But I am still glad they are here. It's a lot closer on my bicycle.
Bicycle, Bicycle, Bicycle
I find that riding my bicycle is a relaxing thing. Sure the gas prices spurred me to ride my bike around the neighborhood more; especially running errands to the shopping center. But Gwen and I look forward to riding down the bike path to Back Bay at Lago Mar in the evening. It's a pleasant 3 mile 'chat session'. But now that gas prices have come down significantly, I still like riding my bike. It's a liberating feeling, somewhat. It's also one of constant caution. Drivers using their cell phones are the ones to watch for most; especially when you are coming from their left side, like when you are at an intersection. We, as drivers, tend not to look to the left first. I have begun to change that. But also, I see other bicyclists, and cyclists, not sharing the road in the neighborhood; especially the kids. Last words on this: We must ALL share the roads in Red Mill Farm. Tell your children, please.
"Shift Happens"
To the right of this blog is a slide presentation about global population and how our society is shifting. What is amazing are the facts that are in it. Some may surprise you, others you may have heard. But the overall feeling can be overwhelming when you think about it. I ask you to read it, because I think that this slide show can be a catalyst for more dialogue. I would like to hear from you about what you think of this presentation. It's called "Shift Happens".
The newsletter is due out right after Labor Day. See you in your mailbox.

ciao for now!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

National Night Out Photos Now Online

I have posted the photos for 2008 National Night Out for all to see;
click here. For the photos of the 2007 National Night Out, click here.
National Night Out was a big success, AGAIN!
Every year it gets better and better. We still had more than 400 people show up. Additionally, Virginia Beach Police Chief Alfred Jaycocks came by as did several other police officers and Police Elements; Crime Solvers, and the K9 Unit. The Fire Department sent not only a fire engine from but sent an ambulance as well. Virginia Beach Public Library set up a table and got several library cards issued, too.
City Council members Barbara Henley (our Princess Anne District Councilperson) came and stayed, as did Rosemary Wilson and Bill DeSteph. In fact Bill help with the tear down and storage of the bounce houses. Thanks, Bill!
Support our community is what many merchants do everyday in the providing the goods and services that they do. But it truly a sign of community spirit when they come to our community events and participate in our activities.
Thanks to Rita's Italian Ice for coming out and giving us Italian Ices, Sonics provided the ice and drinks, Panera sent us some bagels (mmmmm Asiago Cheese bagel!)
But the biggest thanks goes to the two churches, New Hope Church and Beacon Baptist Church, for their outreach to the community and providing us with the hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones and the bounce houses.

On the Soap Box
Once again it is through coming together like this that make our community and neighborhoods safer and friendlier. But that event didn't happen by magic. Through the coordination with the City and the National Night Out organization, MaryBeth Ruger and her husband Bob did an outstanding job even while juggling their hectic schedules and jobs. The rest of the Red Mill Farm Civic Association Board Members helped make this event happen, too. And it was no magic that accomplished such a great event. It was caring and commitment for this community. It was Steve Swisher's leadership and guidance as President of the civic league to help us focus. It was people like Trish Toney, Barbara Charalambous, Maria Pladz, Leslie Waddell, and Gwen Rosales not only setting up the event but accomplishing the mission of the event; fostering a sense of community pride and fellowship among neighbors.
We should be thankful for these board members' commitment to our community and reach out to them let them all know how much they are appreciated.
Even better. All of us as neighbors should join the civic league and be a true part of what makes this community a great place to be and live; not just pay our mortgages/rents and mow our lawns. Look in your newsletters, fill out the form and send your $20 dues check. And not only fill out the form, but tell them what you would like to do to help in YOUR community.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

National Night Out 2008 was a SUCCESS!!!

Once again, the success of National Night Out at Red Mill Park was better than the year before!
We had about 400 people again, plus four members of City Council visited us, as well as the Chief of Police, the Fire Department, Virginia Beach Police K-9 Unit, Crime Solvers and all the neighbors!
I am just posting this quickly, because I have pictures to post so all can see them.
I will post more on Friday morning, including pictures.

Thanks to everybody for making this event even more successful that last year.

gotta scoot!